Category Archives: Management

Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to plan, organize, coordinate,
and supervise instructional technology by applying principles of project, resource,
delivery system, and information management.

Summary and Reflections Module 5 EDTECH 523

In Module five of EDTECH 523, I focused on learning more about synchronous lessons.  I read about planning, developing, implementing and evaluating synchronous lessons through the following resources: Hrastinski. (2008). A study of asynchronous and synchronous e-learning methods discovered that each … Continue reading

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Communication Plan for Online Teaching

Routine Tasks Opening tasks: Provide a welcome e-mail to students and provide contact information. Disseminate and collect a technology skills survey. Identify the technology instruction needs for the students. Post screen-casts to help students navigate the beginning of the class. … Continue reading

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Cyberspace Rules of the Road

These rules were compiled as a group activity.  I adjusted them further to suit my particular students: Think twice before posting. Proofread. Be polite. Consider how you come across to others. Would you want your written words posted on a billboard … Continue reading

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Reflections on Facilitated Chat

This week, I had the opportunity to explore two different types of facilitated chat. One chat involved three other colleagues, had a specific task, and was conducted in text format. The other took place over Skype with a mother of … Continue reading

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My Experiences with Online Communities

This week we are reflecting on our experiences with online communities.  I have participated in many online communities, a few of which I showcase below: Fas-Link is an online community which addresses the needs of families raising children who … Continue reading

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Reflections on a phone interview

This week I conducted a phone interview with a parent to test my beginning-of-the-year interview tool. The interview questions did a good job of helping help the parent open up to the conversation, but the format made note-taking a struggle, … Continue reading

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My definition of active listening

Active listening is an activity of the listener which helps the speaker clarify his/her thoughts. It involves many processes including encouraging the speaker with both verbal and with body language. It is calm, taking its time.  Active listening engages the … Continue reading

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Teacher support in a Technology Plan

In our school, a technology plan will have to be very flexible and responsive to be accepted by both the teachers and the families we serve.  As I looked into models for teacher support, what struck me most was the … Continue reading

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