A Rubric for Discussion Board Comments

Category 3 points
Exceeds Expectations
2 points
Meets Expectations
1 point
Below Expectations
Content of posts Response reflects student knowledge of the content and evidence of having completed the assigned tasks or reading as well as deeper reflection. Response reflects student knowledge of the content and evidence of having completed the assigned tasks or reading Response does not reflect any evidence of knowledge of the content nor any evidence of having completed the assigned tasks or reading
Quality of Posts Provides at least one outside resource and clear reasoning to support their position or comments; includes personal perspective,
integrating analysis, synthesis or evaluation
Provides clear reasoning to support their position or comments; includes  personal perspective, integrating comprehension and application Provides a personal  position or comment but focuses only on the knowledge level of reasoning
Frequency and timing of posts Initial response is posted on time, and responses to peers occur on time and on at least two separate dates Initial response is posted on time, and responses to peers occur before the due date. Initial post is late or response to peers is late.
Tone The student response reflects respect towards other students and provides a thought provoking comment or question which furthers the conversation. The student response reflects respect towards other students and continues the conversation. The student response could be misinterpreted or taken as offensive and reflects no attempt to consider the feelings of other students
Focus on the task Student stays focused on the task at hand and provides encouragement to  other students. Student occasionally strays from the topic at hand and but does not require reminders to complete the work. Student often strays from the topic at hand requires reminders or corrections from the teacher or other students to complete the work.
Effort Regularly presents work that reflect strong effort given his/her particular abilities. Occasionally presents work that reflect strong effort given his/her particular abilities. Rarely presents work that reflect strong effort given his/her particular abilities.
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1 Response to A Rubric for Discussion Board Comments

  1. Sheri Meyer says:

    Hi Ginny,

    This is excellent work you have done. I would love the opportunity to chat with you. Please email me. Thank you ~ Sheri Meyer

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